Author: Denise Lane-Edwards
Spring Show 2022
Spring Show Update
Hello everyone
With sadness I have to announce that the ‘Spring Show’ in the hall on Saturday will not be happening.
It appears that the dreaded Covid has arrived in Ramsbury with a vengeance, so not only do we not have enough people to run/organise it, but, again we do not want to put anyone of you at risk.
So again, get your cameras/phones out – take pics of your beautiful flowers in the garden – before the frost spoils them, photograph your baking entries, handicrafts and floral art entries.
Send them to Denise on or reply to this email and send to me.
I am not promising that they will be available on the website by 2pm on Saturday – it’s such short notice to get them all ready but we will do our very best.
I am hoping to ask our regular judges to look through them when done to choose some winners.
So watch this space.
If you have booked your potato and bag for the autumn show, don’t worry, they will be delivered to you somewhen next week.
I had intended to have a big bag of sunflower seeds that you could help yourselves to, that’s not going to happen is it. If anyone would like some to brighten the village and show our support for the people of Ukraine, let me know and I will get them to you.
Any queries let me know.
best wishes
Show Schedule 2022
Its Show Time
Autumn Show & W.I Country Market
Saturday 9 th October 2021
Ramsbury Memorial Hall
Ramsbury Painting group will also be exhibiting some of their work.
schedule click below