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The Old Mill open for NGS
August 22, 2021 @ 1:30 pm - 5:00 pm
The Old Mill
Ramsbury, SN8 2PN. Annabel & James Dallas. 8m NE of Marlborough. From
Marlborough head to Ramsbury. At The Bell PH follow sign to Hungerford.
Garden behind yew hedge on R 100yds beyond The Bell. Sun 25 July, Sun 22
Aug (1.30-5). Adm £6, chd free. Tea.
The River Kennet runs through this garden with a millrace, a millstream and
small channels to walk across and watch the reflections in. The planting is
relaxed and colourful near the house and gets more naturalistic further out
into the meadows beyond. Gravel and grass paths wind through controlled
wilder areas with seating for visitors. There is a more formal and productive
kitchen garden. Partial wheelchair access as gravel paths and bridges and very
soft ground in places.